About Us
Armorica Sales has been offering technical
service and sales for over 20 years
We have been successful by providing simple
sensible recommendations for any type of project. Our goal has
always been to simplify coatings with proper advise so the
job at hand doesn't seem so daunting.
Being centrally located in Staten Island, NY
our distribution to the East coast is usually within two days.
In the states listed on the home page it’s next day.
Our technical advice is
straight forward and accurate. If we cannot help with a problem
we will let you know.
If you have any inquiries ,
please contact:
Chris.horbal@armoricasales.com sales /
order processing
Jay.murphy@armoricasales.com sales /
technical service
John.tretout@armoricasales.com sales /
technical service
Mike.anderson@armoricasales.com sales /
technical service
distribution / order processing